

- The name of the new project that us three members will release the new album "Ros" under has been named "Roses Bleed Thorns".
The title itself comes from a painting I find to be one of the most beautiful pieces of art ever made. The painting can be
found at deviantart.com and the sole reason I'm posting that here is that I feel the picture itself pretty much sums up the
overall feeling of the project. A million thanks to the splendid Deidre Jones, who created the artpiece. More news will emerge
at Roses Bleed Thorns' official homepage - coming soon.
This website will from here on tell about Cruor Deum exclusively.
- To whom it may concern:
I inform you now of a choice made by yours truly, with approval from my two band-mates in the band that was formerly known
as Cruor Deum. We will not release the new album “Ros” under said band name. We all agree that this is a new project
which deserves to be considered as such, and “Ros” should be considered a debut album. To release it under the
“Cruor Deum”-moniker would be to continue upon a simplistic saga and giving it a twist it can’t handle.
Therefore, Cruor Deum will remain the same, with its sampled instruments and computerized build. I will continue writing music
for this project as well, but as of the 24th of December 2007, Cruor Deum enters a stage of hiatus until enough time is found
for me to pick it up again. The new project has not yet been named, but will be soon enough. This decision is final, and will
not be reconsidered.
I might as well give you a status report while we’re on the subject. We had a minor setback a couple of weeks ago when
one of the studio hard drives malfunctioned, but it got sorted out and we’re right back on track. Still, since we all
have daytime jobs and live in different cities, we can not give any official release date, or even begin to guess when we’re
done with the mixing stage. Roughly half of the songs are very close to a finished status, while the rest still need some
work. Believe us; we really try to get our asses to the studio whenever possible. Besides, the material sounds g-r-e-a-t now,
I simply can’t wait for you to hear it. Expect whatever you expect, but it’ll blow your minds! Just be patient
a while longer.
Best regards
Martin Gestranius
- There's one new review up for "The Need for Theory". O.s.s. of metal-archives has yet again blessed me with his words. Man,
can this guy write! Thanx, O.s.s.
- The release date for the upcoming album "Ros" has been postponed to (estimated) winter 07-08. The album has been properly
recorded, and there's not much details left to tweak, but we're looking to get some company to represent us. As soon as we
know something, you will too. Hang in there.
The line-up for "Cruor Deum" Anno 2007:
Martin Gestranius - Extreme vocals & guitars, programming
Johan Nordström - Bass & synth, programming
Jesper Jakobsson - Clean vocals
- I've removed almost every song from this page. The reason for that is that I've no longer got access to any credit card,
so the page is now officially "downgraded" to a free account. That means lower disk space and lower usage. Sorry for this,
I promise I'll make it up to those who'd like to hear my work by uploading the songs that were here to www.soundclick.com/cruordeum
Maybe a remake of "Lies Shall Command" would be in order to...? Perhaps. No promises!
- In July 2006 a remake of the album "The Need for Theory" was made in cooperation with recording engineer Johan Nordström
of Janeco Studios. The new version will soon enough be uploaded to the soundclick page to replace the old one. This was made
over little time, but with a great result that I think everyone will be happy with. The whole reason why we even made a new
version in the first place is the weak sound. Now, sounding much stronger, particularly the guitars and vocals, it serves
its purpose as it should. Not only the sounds have changed. Besides the huge difference in dynamics and such matters, minor
changes have been added. Make sure you listen to it when it "officially" comes out.
- Two new reviews up on this site. Thanx to the reviewers!
- The whole new album "The Need for Theory" is available for download at soundclick. Or simply here!
- Detailed discography is up for the new album. Simply go to Discography and click on the picture for "The Need for Theory"
and you'll get all info about the album. Lyrics are posted there as well. I'll do the same thing with the other full-lengths
- Studio report. The vocals for almost every song (except for two) are done. As soon as all vocal work is done, I'll take
care of distribution and such matters. The front cover for "The Need For Theory" is featured on the main page here. The front
as well as back cover was made by the same person who constructed the Cruor Deum logo. Again, praised be, and hails to you,
Lord Mania. The dark long wait is soon over...
- Band logo updated. The logo was made by Lord Mania. Thank you for the time and effort put into that. And it looks killer!!!
- The 4th full-length is to be released in march next year. Entitled "The Need For Theory", this will be something revolutionary,
and it will kick your ass! 9 brand new songs included. The official tracklist:
I : Infuse... Initiate
II : Koma
III : The Requirement for Logic
IV : You May Die When Ready
V : Hate the Human Figure
VI : When You Left
VII : My Thoughts Be Punished
VIII : No God Shall Become Before the Self
IX : Reverend Neverend
Change of plans for those of you who read the original tracklist. Some of the songs didn't just hold up to be featured on
a full-length. Instead, the remaining tracks (such as the cover of "Vainottu" by Mokoma) will be featured on various singles.
- 2005/09/11 : Reviews section up
- Full album download, "Lies Shall Command" at sounds page
- The page is up & running as of 9th of July 2005
- To whom it may concern:
I inform you now of a choice made by yours truly, with approval from my two band-mates in the band that was formerly known
as Cruor Deum. We will not release the new album “Ros” under said band name. We all agree that this is a new project
which deserves to be considered as such, and “Ros” should be considered a debut album. To release it under the
“Cruor Deum”-moniker would be to continue upon a simplistic saga and giving it a twist it can’t handle.
Therefore, Cruor Deum will remain the same, with its sampled instruments and computerized build. I will continue writing music
for this project as well, but as of the 24th of December 2007, Cruor Deum enters a stage of hiatus until enough time is found
for me to pick it up again. The new project has not yet been named, but will be soon enough. This decision is final, and will
not be reconsidered.
I might as well give you a status report while we’re on the subject. We had a minor setback a couple of weeks ago when
one of the studio hard drives malfunctioned, but it got sorted out and we’re right back on track. Still, since we all
have daytime jobs and live in different cities, we can not give any official release date, or even begin to guess when we’re
done with the mixing stage. Roughly half of the songs are very close to a finished status, while the rest still need some
work. Believe us; we really try to get our asses to the studio whenever possible. Besides, the material sounds g-r-e-a-t now,
I simply can’t wait for you to hear it. Expect whatever you expect, but it’ll blow your minds! Just be patient
a while longer.
Best regards
Martin Gestranius
- There's one new review up for "The Need for Theory". O.s.s. of metal-archives has yet again blessed me with his words. Man,
can this guy write! Thanx, O.s.s.
- The release date for the upcoming album "Ros" has been postponed to (estimated) winter 07-08. The album has been properly
recorded, and there's not much details left to tweak, but we're looking to get some company to represent us. As soon as we
know something, you will too. Hang in there.
The line-up for "Cruor Deum" Anno 2007:
Martin Gestranius - Extreme vocals & guitars, programming
Johan Nordström - Bass & synth, programming
Jesper Jakobsson - Clean vocals
- I've removed almost every song from this page. The reason for that is that I've no longer got access to any credit card,
so the page is now officially "downgraded" to a free account. That means lower disk space and lower usage. Sorry for this,
I promise I'll make it up to those who'd like to hear my work by uploading the songs that were here to www.soundclick.com/cruordeum
Maybe a remake of "Lies Shall Command" would be in order to...? Perhaps. No promises!
- In July 2006 a remake of the album "The Need for Theory" was made in cooperation with recording engineer Johan Nordström
of Janeco Studios. The new version will soon enough be uploaded to the soundclick page to replace the old one. This was made
over little time, but with a great result that I think everyone will be happy with. The whole reason why we even made a new
version in the first place is the weak sound. Now, sounding much stronger, particularly the guitars and vocals, it serves
its purpose as it should. Not only the sounds have changed. Besides the huge difference in dynamics and such matters, minor
changes have been added. Make sure you listen to it when it "officially" comes out.
- Two new reviews up on this site. Thanx to the reviewers!
- The whole new album "The Need for Theory" is available for download at soundclick. Or simply here!
- Detailed discography is up for the new album. Simply go to Discography and click on the picture for "The Need for Theory"
and you'll get all info about the album. Lyrics are posted there as well. I'll do the same thing with the other full-lengths
- Studio report. The vocals for almost every song (except for two) are done. As soon as all vocal work is done, I'll take
care of distribution and such matters. The front cover for "The Need For Theory" is featured on the main page here. The front
as well as back cover was made by the same person who constructed the Cruor Deum logo. Again, praised be, and hails to you,
Lord Mania. The dark long wait is soon over...
- Band logo updated. The logo was made by Lord Mania. Thank you for the time and effort put into that. And it looks killer!!!
- The 4th full-length is to be released in march next year. Entitled "The Need For Theory", this will be something revolutionary,
and it will kick your ass! 9 brand new songs included. The official tracklist:
I : Infuse... Initiate
II : Koma
III : The Requirement for Logic
IV : You May Die When Ready
V : Hate the Human Figure
VI : When You Left
VII : My Thoughts Be Punished
VIII : No God Shall Become Before the Self
IX : Reverend Neverend
Change of plans for those of you who read the original tracklist. Some of the songs didn't just hold up to be featured on
a full-length. Instead, the remaining tracks (such as the cover of "Vainottu" by Mokoma) will be featured on various singles.
- 2005/09/11 : Reviews section up
- Full album download, "Lies Shall Command" at sounds page
- The page is up & running as of 9th of July 2005






